Model UN General Assembly

How does the General Assembly work?

The Model UN General Assembly simulates the structure and functions of the real United Nations General Assembly. It is the main deliberative body where country delegations debate the Scenario, propose solutions, and negotiate resolutions.

General Assembly sessions begin with a call-to-order and a roll call of all delegates conducted by the Secretariat, followed by the agenda of the session. During the General Assembly sessions, the Secretariat calls on delegations to speak and is responsible for moderating debate, calling for votes, approving motions, and adjourning the session. The Secretariat sits at the front of the room facing the General Assembly.

Day 1 Agenda

On day 1, student delegates present their preliminary statements to the Assembly. Afterwards, they debate issues, resolutions, and proposals to address the Scenario.

Day 2 Agenda

On day 2, the General Assembly convenes after committee meetings end. All resolutions that pass in committee will be debated and voted on in the General Assembly session on day 2.

General Assembly Rules and Procedures

Delegates are required to maintain the decorum of their country, exhibit professional behavior, and adhere to parliamentary procedures and diplomatic processes. See the Delegate Quick Guide, a printed copy of which will be located at each delegation’s table.

To communicate during the General Assembly sessions, use the official conference communication slips to send messages to other delegations, the Secretariat, and teachers.