Model UN Position Papers

The position paper is a 1.5-page proposal written by each delegation, addressing the scenario from the perspective of the country they represent.

Writing a position paper gives your delegation the opportunity to thoroughly understand your country's stance on the scenario topic, ensuring you can effectively represent it at the March conference.

The position papers compete for the Best Position Paper, which is given to the delegation that provides the written position paper that most accurately reflects its country’s ideas and conveys exemplary negotiation language. The Best Position Paper is chosen by teachers and conference co-chairs.

How to Write a Position Paper

Member States (aka countries) of the United Nations are engaged members of the global community and can propose solutions to multinational problems, such as the one highlighted in this year’s scenario. But, their economic, social, political, religious, and cultural perspectives affect how they would want to see these problems solved. 

To write the position paper, first research what your country is currently doing to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to the scenario. Then, research how your country would address the scenario topic. Your paper should be organized to address the following components: 

Part I: Current Conditions 

  1. Describe your country’s current domestic conditions and foreign political relationships.

  2. Describe actions your government has taken to address the scenario’s problems and SDGs, including any international treaties in which your country participates, or resolutions sponsored or approved by your country.

  3. Find at least one quote from a head of government or relevant data/evidence to support your description of your country’s profile. Readers should hear the “voice” of your country coming through in your writing.

Part II: Policy Proposal

  1. Explain how your country proposes to address this year’s scenario, using evidence and reasons to support your suggestions. Your suggestions need to reflect your country’s conditions, perspectives, and global status. Your proposal should be specific. Address the logistical processes and challenges of implementing your proposal.

  2. Explain how your proposal should be funded or any accountability measures necessary to make your proposal successful. 

  3. Describe the impact of your suggestion(s): What are the benefits of your suggestion? What is the intended outcome? What will be one complaint about your suggestions and how can it be addressed?

FORMAT:  Your paper can be double or single-spaced. It must be typed and less than 1600 words (1 ½ pages), not including citations (12-point font, 1” margins). Place your word count in the footer with the country name. Please use internal citations and include a works cited page using MLA format. You should have a minimum of 3 citations. Papers without citations or word count or are incorrectly formatted may be disqualified!

Submit your position paper to your advisor before the annual due date (which your advisor knows).